The A Splash of Red E-Pattern by Donna Hodson is a downloadable PDF that includes color photo, drawings and full painting instructions.
SURFACE: Wooden heart shape found in the children’s art section at Walmart. You can also select a 5”
square shape or a canvas. Enlarge or reduce for other shapes and sizes.
PAINT: DecoArt Americana Acrylic:
Antique Gold, Berry Red, Burnt Umber, Cranberry Wine, Graphite, Khaki Tan, Lamp Black, Light Mocha or
(Sugared Peach), Plantation Pine, Scarlet, Snow White, Warm Beige (old Fleshtone), Zinc
¾” wash for base coating background
Sizes 2-6 flats
½” angle brush or what you float with
Script liners sizes 18/0, 00
Size 1 round or size 1 script liner
Old size 16 flat to apply decoupage glue
Favorite brushes
DecoArt Deco-Page Matte Glue Sealer. I prefer this to Mod Podge as it is thinner bodied, spreads well, and
dries well. If using Mod-Podge you might want to slightly thin it first.
Multi-Purpose Sealer by DecoArt
Emery Board if applying tissue paper
Americana Matte Spray Sealer/Finisher DAS13 (you can also use Krylon 1311 matte spray)
Tissue Paper. This might not be available so you can use a musical note scrap book paper instead or a
musical stamp or stencil.
Bone folder or smooth sided pen to score the edges.
Straight sided bottle or brayer
Sharp craft knife if using scrapbook paper.
600 wet/dry sandpaper, (found at automotive stores) or a piece of brown paper sack.
20 gauge black wire or cord for hanging. If using wire, small needle nose pliers and wire cutters.
Varnish of choice. My preference is JoSonja’s Polyurethane Matte Varnish
Older grey and white graphite
Drill with 1/8” bit
Usual acrylic supplies